

アルタイ語族 [音楽]


Kim Doo Sooさんの歌は聴いたことがあるけど、Fikret Kizilokさんはまるで存じません。

Album Description

International Sad Hits | Volume One: Altaic Language Group Fikret Kizilok (Turkey) / Kim Doo Soo (Korea) / Tomokawa Kazuki (Japan) / Mikami Kan (Japan)

International Sad Hits, Volume One presents four singer-songwriters from Asia. All four of these artists are veterans in their respective music scenes, with decades-long careers, large discographies, and devoted followings. These are not pop or rock stars, or world- or traditional folk-music artists, but singer-songwriters in the poetic manner of Bob Dylan, Nick Drake, or Tim Buckley; and for the most part, their music has never left their national or linguistic cultures. This compilation, accompanied by a 20-page full-color booklet with biographical notes on each artist, and translations of all song lyrics into English, is intended to help take this music across those borders.

The selection has been made by Damon & Naomi, whose enthusiasm for this music begins with their own international tours -- always interested in other people's sad songs, they seek out recommendations wherever they travel. These four singers are among the discoveries closest to their hearts. Because while the subtitle of this compilation points out that they are linked by a linguistic family (Altaic), what truly links them is a love of melancholy.

International Sad Hits 1: Altaic Language

1. - Fikret Kizilok - Just As Long
2. - Kim Doo Soo - Bohemian
3. - Tomokawa Kazuki - Storms in the Dead of Night
4. - Mikami Kan - Never Before
5. - Fikret Kizilok - Beautiful, How Beautiful You Have Become
6. - Tomokawa Kazuki - What is this Place?
7. - Kim Doo Soo - Mountain
8. - Mikami Kan - Why Stop If You Like It?
9. - Tomokawa Kazuki - Kasai Zenzo
10. - Kim Doo Soo - Sweet Briar
11. - Fikret Kizilok - Without Noticing
12. - Mikami Kan - The Scarlet Rug
13. - Kim Doo Soo - Wild Flower
14. - Fikret Kizilok - I'm Anatolia
15. - Mikami Kan - At the Harbor in my Shorts
16. - Tomokawa Kazuki - My Boy

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International Sad Hits 1: Altaic Language

International Sad Hits 1: Altaic Language

  • アーティスト:
  • 出版社/メーカー: 20/20/20
  • 発売日: 2006/11/14
  • メディア: CD

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